Sunday, March 17, 2013

Rename Island

The name of the island in reality is called the Kileu Waterfall Estate. Our job was to make this island our Utopia - perfect place. It had to be convincing, so people would actually come to this made up place. It had to have all the elements of attraction & government policies. This was a made up place that was assigned to us by our gifted teacher Mrs.Parimore. Yeah, we spelled it right. It was an experience that we will never forget. CREATING OUR UTOPIA!!!!!!


Perfection: use only 75 words or less

I would describe perfect as something mankind seeks to have. This word is very different to many people. A perfect place can be Paris, France to someone and to another it can be McDonalds. It's a word that variety of people had tried to accomplish, but fail. To my point of view it is something that people try to see visible, but it is only imaginary.

Travel Brochure

Heads up:
If you are a visitor, you would expect to be doing all sorts of activities: swimming, boating, hiking, & most of all having fun!!
Since, we do not have money. We accept any natural resources that you have for us.

If you are a resident you can do all these activities, but during your free time & days off ( this includes days off school & vacations) .

Our most popular sports are soccer, swimming, & baseball. So, if you are into these sports
come on down to the B&J Island.

Call (731)-599-995 or send me a friend request on Facebook!

Motto, Seal, & Flag

" Wash your way to fun!!!!!"



We have described all of these features because it represents our determination of bringing the best of us!!!!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Architecture and Growth


When it comes to architecture we are the best. We have the best buildings in the world. We
re-designed all the important buildings in the world with the finest detail and latest information.
We have a building that represents our island called B and J Industries.
We have building area for our distribution buildings as well. We grow in many ways such as economically, technologically, and governmentally.
One of are greatest buildings is the Islands President White Tower, which is twice as big as the original White House.
One of our most outstanding attractions ever is the waterfall named Tears of Joy
Which represents the epic amazon of the B&J Island.

Since the year 2009, we have been remodeling and planning our great island. So, when we began getting visitors in 2010, all the news spread worldwide.
That is why we hold about 2.2 million people visiting us annually, and about 800,000 people living in our community. 
So, if your planning to go to a trip during your vacations. We are more than welcome to have you!!


Tuesday, March 12, 2013


More Is Not Always Better

In the reading, the two little kids had everything they desired, so this gets young people characteristics like selfishness & rudeness. In the case of the little girl & boy got to addicted to the nursery room. That they completely forgot about the real world and lived in their little fantasy.
The moral to this story was that although you have all the money, technology, & materials in the world. You will always be valued on who you are.

"That sounds dreadful! Would I have to tie my own shoe instead of letting the shoe tier do it? And brush my own teeth and comb my hear and give myself a bath?"

Well, this sounds dreadful because if you don't know how to do simple tasks like tie your shoe. Then you well, aren't worthy of having all the materials they have. These are examples of people who are worse than a hobo!! Not knowing how to take care of yourself is kind of disappointing.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


 Bill of Right
Citizens have a right to believe in their own religion and have designated places for their traditional purposes.
All citizens have a right to protest without causing an altercation.
Citizens have the right to use drugs for medicational purposes only.
All citizens 18 and over have the right to vote for a president.
Citizen's have the right to create and grow a business.
 Citizens have the right to travel where they desire.

  1. Citizens are not allowed to carry massive weapons unless they are in the marine, army, etc.
  2. All women are permitted to have up to 4 children.
  3. Every citizens must complete all grades and finish high-school to select their career.
  4. Trees are to be cut in only medical difficulties or religion practices. Otherwise the citizen will face the consequences of 1 week prison with the same rights of others.
  5. All are to report to their everyday task (excluding illnesses,vacations,and weekends) or face a 1 day community work.
  6. All children are to respect all adults.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013



  1. Pain
  2. Pan
  3. Pot
  4. Up
  5. A
  6. I
  7. No
  8. Not
  9. Nap
  10. Tap
  11. Tip
  12. Auto
  13. It
  14. Oat
  15. At
  16. An
  17. Paint
  18. Input
  19. Piano
  20. Ant
  21. Aunt
  22. Patio
  23. Tuna
  24. To
  25. Put
  26. Out
  27. Top
  28. Atop
  29. Ton
  30. Pint
  31. Tan
  32. Pit
  33. Point
  34. Pin
  35. Tin
  36. Pat
  37. Utopia
  38. Pant
  39. Unit
  40. Into
  41. Unto
  42. Pinta
  43. In
  44. Nut
  45. Punt


A. We welcome all new comers without being prejudice. All people can freely practice their own religion and beliefs. All citizens are based in the social pyramid. Depending on their hard work,they will recieve wealth and goods. As far as language you can freely speak or be taught different languages.

B.(community planner) professionals who administer, advice, consult on or develop master plans & other professional planning documents...

C. Reflection on Poem 
No man is an Island

No man is an island,
Entire of itself.
Each is a piece of the continent.
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea, 
Europe is the less. 
As well as if a promontory were                                             
As well as if a manorof thine own                                                    
Or of thine friend's were.
Each man's death diminishes me,
For I am involved in mankind.
Therefore, send not to know
For whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee

I think this means you can't be by yourself to accomplish everything. You must have teamwork!                                                                   

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Street Art Utopia

   In our utopia we are very conservative with our materials. Recycling all used materials to make our enviornment an even better place.


   In our utopian island we encourage individuality. By freely using your gifts and talents ( Ex.Smartness, Athletic skills, etc.). Children and adults can wear any type of clothing, but non-violent discrimination that is against our Constitution. This way all people can express their way to be.

   As for sameness, we believe sameness does not exist. No matter how hard we try to make a magnificent masterpiece.


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Daily Life and Economy

   All citizens including children wake up to go do their everyday task and have breakfast. You might wonder where do babies go when their parents go do their job. Well they get taken to a central daycare ages 4 and below. Kids ages 21 and below go to school as thier everyday task excluding their vacations. Later in the day the get their lunch by the waterfalls. Later in the evening they get to do what they enjoy most. During dinner they have a small religous ceremony and then head to bed at their own risk.

As far as money none exist because we have a barter sytem. Which means they trade goods and services throughout the island.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Geography and Features


          Once in a lifetime, you get to experience an approximately 50 foot high waterfall with natural slippery slide that cascades into the open island. Enclosed behind an electronic gate, over six manicured acres are totally secluded from the outside world. There are meandering footpaths through tropical foliage including a bamboo orchard, old growth of huge trees and colorful blooming local ginger and heliconias.These waterfalls belong to the most beautiful and impressive wonders of nature on this earth. To view them is both inspirational and calming.