Thursday, March 14, 2013

Architecture and Growth


When it comes to architecture we are the best. We have the best buildings in the world. We
re-designed all the important buildings in the world with the finest detail and latest information.
We have a building that represents our island called B and J Industries.
We have building area for our distribution buildings as well. We grow in many ways such as economically, technologically, and governmentally.
One of are greatest buildings is the Islands President White Tower, which is twice as big as the original White House.
One of our most outstanding attractions ever is the waterfall named Tears of Joy
Which represents the epic amazon of the B&J Island.

Since the year 2009, we have been remodeling and planning our great island. So, when we began getting visitors in 2010, all the news spread worldwide.
That is why we hold about 2.2 million people visiting us annually, and about 800,000 people living in our community. 
So, if your planning to go to a trip during your vacations. We are more than welcome to have you!!